Sacré bleu, j'ai déjà commencé mon soixante-dixième année sur cette planète, la Terre. C'est vraiment ridicule! And in honor of this day in history 69 years ago yesterday I was notified by the Social Security Administration that I would receive a whopping $5 a month raise starting in January 2012. I also received notification from the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement board that I would now lose $2 a month from my pension to pay for medical insurance. That means I get a $36 a year raise. I will be able to buy an extra tank of gas for the Élantra. Woot! The government is taking care of me in marvelous, superior ways.
Spent a great day with Kiddo yesterday freezing to death while he and big brother played basketball in the yard. I am really impressed by how well he and J. play together. It's great fun to watch them bounce pass to each other and drive into the paint for close shots for the Kiddo while the big Kiddo takes the outside shots. I also got a chance to follow Kiddo's Skylander, Spyro, around the crazy Wii world trying to be careful not to attack him. I was supposed to help him but I just kept dying all over the place. He finally ran out of live Skylanders for me to use when we called it quits. I think I did win a game of indoor hallway soccer so the day was not a loss. Won't see the kids until next year as they are going to a party today at their Aunt's house to celebrate, Christmas, J's seventeenth birthday and the New Year. Tomorrow night Richoni's will have their gala and the big kid will keep the little kid company at home. Good way to welcome 2012. They'd better spend as much time together as they can. Seems impossible that they are 7 and 17 years old. Time keeps moving on.
Speaking of time I believe I have found a New Year's Resolution that is in keeping with my now older self. I shall really attempt to stop being critical of myself, others and life. I shall accept my lack of perfection and enjoy others as they are. Ditto for accepting what life has in store for us. Feels good already!
Quote: Time was, is past; thou canst not it recall: time is, thou hast; employ the portion small; time future, is not; and may never be: time present, is the only time for thee. __Mrs. Sigourney