Monday, January 2, 2012

Delinquency . . .

I've had a long chat with my friend S. who, I hope, will retire soon. Teaching is no longer exciting or interesting. Administration has turned teachers into robots and baby sitters. Enough said on that topic.

I had to go upstairs to get all the boxes for the Christmas decorations and I spied a Bush Light can on top of the TV near the chair Grampa was sitting in when he was aiding and abetting Kiddo with the rip roaring train. Thought the photo might explain another reason why they had such a good time without Mémère present. I guess the PC crowd would get him for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In any case the tree is down and somehow, without buying one new decoration I needed an extra box to put everything away. Not sure what I did but it was nice to get the house back to plain old home.

Puppy's Pop has figured out a way we can get the use of the kitchen table while I work away on out sized puzzles. He found a neat board somewhere that we'll set up on a card table near the porch window. We can close the kitchen table up for only two and we'll have plenty of room to get around and the puzzles won't be in the way. Cool beansies. Of course we can't try it out now because we could never move the one that's now complicating our dining pleasure. It's much too far along and the various piles of similarly colored pieces would get all messed up. Maybe in a few weeks we can give it a try with the 2000 pieces!

Dental appointment tomorrow and then maybe some cribbage with my Lake Street cousin. Looking forward to playing cards. I don't get too many chances anymore with Angie gone and everyone else living too far away for regular games.

Quote: It is very wonderful to see persons of the best sense passing hours together in shuffling and dividing a pack of cards with no conversation but what is made up of a few game-phrases, and no other ideas but those of black or red spots ranged together in different figures. Would not a man laugh to hear any one of his species complaining that life is short? __Addison

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