Thursday, January 12, 2012

Game of Shadows . . .

Just returned from Lisbon Landing. What a good time I had watching Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. Have no clue how I'm supposed to react to movies but this has wonderful laugh out loud lines, scenes that made me cringe with fear because of the pain, marvelous vistas, great characters. It's a winner in my meager catalogue of movies seen. At $7.50 a pop we have some neat entertainment not far from home. I'm surprised by how much I've enjoyed going to the movies because I never think that there's anything worth watching. But there is and that's fine by me.

I didn't have to go to Groton today because Kiddo's Dad is going to pick him up from school. Since it's a rainy, gray winter day I thought the movies was a good idea. Puppy's Pop concurred. That's also a good thing. Felt a twinge of guilt because I didn't do my lunch duty but I've already completed Kiddo's mandatory volunteer hours so I'm sure they can do without my presence occasionally. I do enjoy the people I've met at Sacred Heart. We're a good bunch.

Time to complete my reading and my indoor walking.

Quote: The less you can enjoy, the poorer and scantier yourself; the more you can enjoy, the richer and more vigorous. ___Lavater

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