Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Glory be . . .

Oh my! Such a glorious day. Went for my second rehab day and I'm going to be pushed up to max workout either Friday or next Monday. It feels good. When I got home Puppy's Pop was waiting for me and we went to the Brooklyn flying field. Another feeling fantastic part of the day. The weather is June like and I got in three good laps around the the fields. Then we took off for Oakland Beach in Warwick where everyone in Rhody had also decided to congregate! We ate at the Top of the Bay: hot rolls, chowder, clam cakes, baked haddock, rice pilaf, squash,brownie and coffee for $11 each. Just have to add one Bud light and a Margarita to make it perfect. Gased up the Élantra at $3.69 a gallon and got 40.7 mpg on the trip home. Can't beat that!

Spent yesterday ordering new transitions glasses and then picking up Kiddo early. He had a half day. I let him spend more than an hour playing in the school yard with a bunch of his friends before we went to Richoni's for early supper. Later we rode bikes all around the dead end street. I'm riding older brother's Mongoose! That's a riot. We had a perfect day. He beat me at Monsuno ( a new Japanese characters game, I think) but I beat him at hallway soccer before we took turns reading to each other and bedtime. He zonked out as his head hit the pillow!

Quote: I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing, when they, who are so fresh from God, love us. ____Dickens

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