Sunday, March 11, 2012

Those men ! ! !

Yep, those men can't be trusted. While I was at Mass and taking my wonderful hike around Moosup Puppy's Pop was at the flying field in Brooklyn dragging a monster grating of some sort over his control line field to flatten it out. He was home when I returned and because he needed grass seed for his flying field I managed to get half of my garden seeded. I decided to cut the garden in half because it's getting too big for me to handle. Thank goodness the flying site needed grass seed. He also found a 1902 Indian Head penny. We think it's 1902 but have to study it more, it may be 1802. It's pretty worn out. Neato! Puppy's Pop is going to borrow the neighbor kid's metal detector and look for more! Now . . . after a quick snack of home made ginger bread (not gingerbread) and coffee he is off again ostensibly to try out the only remote control plane he has, one built by the youngest child quite a few years ago. I asked if he intended to get back into remote control flying. "No," says he. Ha! I don't believe it. All the guys were there today and they fly remote control. I'll bet Kyle will need a real remote control plane very soon, not just the Vapor which is really too light to fly out of doors if there is a hint of a breeze. The man is incorrigible. He will never come out and just say what he's up to!

Quote: O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. ___Walter Scott

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