Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kiddo finds something better than a movie . . .

When we got back from playing after school with the gang of second graders and eating supper Kiddo and I went outside to do some sword playing. The sixth grade neighbor girl came to high five the Kiddo and show him the tent she was going to spend the night in. He came back not too enthralled until her seventh grade boy scout brother was allowed to have a campfire. Kiddo just sat on his dogwood tree swing and longed to be next door. I told him to bring some of our fallen branches to the fire and ask if he could burn them. He didn't want to go. After a lot of contemplation and swinging he asked me if he could bring some sticks next door but would I please come with him. So we gathered a bunch of sticks and the boy scout said Kiddo could stay with them, himself, his sister and Nick from across the street. Our Kiddo said it was better than watching a movie! He cooked marshmallows on a stick; didn't eat them, of course; threw sticks and saw dust into the fire making all sorts of neat sparkles. I just sat on my garage swing away from the kids. Lex came out and Kiddo had a chance to pet him as Lex just plopped himself down right next to him. I called the kid home when it was pitch dark. He hated to leave. I was so glad he had a good time. The older kids were really very nice to him even offered him a hotdog they had cooked on the grill. He did thank them and declined the offer. After all, he ate an eclair ice cream bar this week so he had already had his new food for a while!

The renewed milk room wall was completed this morning when the men came to take down the forms. Kiddo went out and took pictures as he heard me talking on the phone with Uncle A and I said I needed to get some photos for the blog. Nice kid. He also talked me into getting him a watch. Just happened to mention that his teacher said the kids could wear watches to school if they were analog. So you already know who has a new Timex soccer watch on the way to his house Tuesday. Amazon is great. Well time to get ready for the UCONN women's game at URI. Grampa didn't want to bring me to the Ryan Center so I'll just suffer here at home with my latest drinkable; one part Sogno di Sorrento Crema Lemoncello to three parts cranberry juice on ice. Terrific! Oops. I just remembered that the game was changed to Sunday. Oh well. I can still have my libation out on the swing. Sounds perfect to me.

Quote: I have not so great a struggle with my vices, great and numerous as they are, as I have with my impatience. My efforts are not absolutely useless; yet I have never been able to conquer this ferocious wild beast. ___Calvin

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