Saturday, October 10, 2009

Juneau, Capital of Alaska

Juneau is the second largest city in the USA, not population wise, geographically! The borough of Juneau covers more than 3,000 square miles - three times the size of Rhode Island. You can't drive to Juneau. Access is strictly by air or sea. Gold was discovered in 1880 and mining continued until WW II. No longer any mining in Juneau; it seems that the city, state and federal governments now provide half of the jobs! Who'd a thunk it? It is certainly a very beautiful area.

I'm all pooped out and really haven't done much of anything today! Grandson, Grampa and I had a good time yesterday and this morning playing with a nerf gun. Wow, they are too much fun. I think that we need at least one more so I don't always end up having to throw the balls at people. Much more fun to shoot them!

Had some company today, younger brother and wife. I'm glad they came as I was able to give away some of my gourds! I really have too many and don't know what to do with all of them. I've made up a bushel basket and a crate of the little suckers. They don't look too bad siting on the picnic table with a few pumpkins. They're getting $1.25 a lb for them at the stores. I don't think I'll be getting rich off of these.

Getting ready for Trip #2 to Louisiana. Grampa cleaned out the Stratus and I had to put Grandson's booster seat and books and CD's in the other car. I think he'll get a kick out of riding in the Dodge truck. He'll really be able to see well. We'll have to turn off the air bag so it'll be OK.

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