Thursday, October 29, 2009

We made it! A gold mine.

Yea! The sun is trying to come out and it's 44 degrees. We may end up with a good day. The Moosup River is very high right now. We've had a lot of heavy rain in the last couple of days and I was driving in the stuff. No fun. Puppy's Pop spread the garden with the winter rye so we're all set. I just have to get out there and cut back the asparagi (plural of asparagus?) They look pretty bedraggled and lifeless, really ugly, so I'll take the clippers to them soon. Grampa brought me some raspberries yesterday and they were big, dark red and delicious but I'll have to cut them back also.

Off to lunch duty in Groton in a bit. I hope Barbara is working today. She wasn't on all last week and we missed her. She's really the mainstay of the program. I think that she had company for the week and so was very busy. I hope that's the case and not sickness. She even fills in for the cook when he needs to be out!

Quote: I do pity unlearned gentlemen on a rainy day. ---Falkland

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