Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ready, Set

Still walking to the mine. We were actually in a rain forest!

I guess we're ready for our trek. Got the insurances all set to kick in when we transfer vehicles Saturday. We should have a beautiful drive to Slaughter, LA. Just getting everything packed up. Lots of puzzles! Whoopee!

Found out that sister-in-law was right! She took a few gourds for herself and "the grandchildren" the other day. She told me they were pretty expensive in the stores. When we were in Baton Rouge they were only $1.25 a lb. Biy Y of Plainfield has them for $2.00 each! Wow, what a mark up! That's incredible. I could've been rich!

Took all of the dahlia toes out of the ground yesterday. Had no clue toes could be so heavy. I'll let them dry up a bit in the lean to before I transfer them to the cellar for the winter. Went for my walk at the Dog Track and was impressed with the dirigible that was floating up 395. Pretty sight on a cool, clear day.

Quote: The poorest education that teaches self-control, is better than the best that neglects it. --- Anon

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