Tuesday, July 6, 2010

But it is bright and clear with a languid breeze . . .

Okay, 90 degrees at 10:30 is like those old fashioned days in the 1940's when Ma used to send us to play under the maple trees in the front of the house. We'd put down a blanket, bring out our dolls and guns, and the neighborhood kids would laze around. We would play cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, Checkers, Parcheesi, and the parents would provide fresh lemonade. We often messed up the lower field because we would make paths through the hay for our hiding places thereby getting Pepere upset because he couldn't sell the hay! We were a nasty lot of ruffians. How did we ever make do without air conditioning? We must have been of stoic character and expectations were high that Pa would stuff the whole neighborhood in the car and bring us to the Pond in the evening.

Walked in Sterling today and it was already 80 at eight in the morning. Went to Lizzy B's for a huge glass of ice water and a bowl of fresh fruit with a French Toast muffin. Great combination. Think I'm going to set myself up in the study upstairs with a puzzle and an air conditioner. Matante used to make her puzzles on the sun porch but I no longer wish to suffer the heat and humidity if I can be comfortable up stairs. Must be getting on in years.

Made some raspberry jelly and it came out pretty good considering I just boil the berries, strain the juice out with cheesecloth and cook it up with sugar and honey. As Kiddo would say, "Easy peasy!". I also want to get to Taftville and buy some Birkenstocks. They are the only sandals I can wear that don't cause my left leg any pain.

Quote: I have often said that all the misfortunes of men spring from their not knowing how to live quietly at home, in their own rooms. __Pascal

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