Tuesday, July 20, 2010

FLASH . . . Kiddo grounded

Just got a call from middle child to let me know that the Kiddo has been grounded. Super grounded; no TV, no video games, no Wii, no Nintendo, no PSP, no movies at the theatre, no playgrounds. So, how come? His Dad kept him home from his regular Tuesday at Stepping Stones and he was playing at the restaurant. He asked Mom if he could go outside to play. She gave the OK. So . . . He walked home!!! It's a good thing his brother was home. Big brother called and asked if they knew that Kiddo had walked home. She was fit to be tied. As she said imagine the scene if she had gone to check on him and he wasn't there. Yikes. Horrible thought. So my life in Groton tomorrow should be interesting. Lots of reading and practice tying shoes, and playing summer school. I like it. Perhaps we can even do some more baking.

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