Saturday, July 24, 2010

Grounded . . .

Since Kiddo got himself "grounded" for not only walking home from the restaurant but actually walking through the woods . . . plus a couple of extra dangerous ideas he tried to act on, we've had a somewhat unconventional week. With no electronic gadgets whatsoever and no playgrounds we've been doing quite a bit of reading and playing old fashioned games. We were allowed to use the pool and that has been a life saver. Yesterday Grampa took him fishing at Porter Pond in the rain. Such a good time. Grampa caught a small pickerel and then Kiddo missed catching a fish about 5 times before he finally hooked a pumpkin seed. He was all excited and kept fishing until he caught a blue gill and we called it a day. As we were leaving the little guy told me he was going to teach other people how to fish because he was really good at catching fish. I had to remind him that he didn't like to hold them when we had to put them back in the water. He said that that was Okay. He'd still be a great teacher. To have such confidence. Makes one wish she could go back in time to being almost six years old. I had him all decked out for our foray into Pachaug in long pants, long-sleeved shirt and an old hat. I sprayed all of his clothes with Off. Wish I had brought the camera but he doesn't like it if I take pictures of him doing things. He freezes up and has no fun i.e. not worth messing with his day for some photos. We went home by Ekonk Hill and stopped for ice creme at the Turkey Farm. By the time we got home Grampa had gotten a call and he had to leave to pick up some plane parts in Sturbridge so Kiddo decided it would be fun to drive the remote control cars in the rain around the driveway. So many skids and burnouts! Way cool and when Grampa did return he took out his gas powered car and burned up the tarmac. Only a couple of crashes as they raced around. I'm telling you they drive like maniacs. Also played with the train for a long time, so long that Kiddo thinks we should get a tunnel and an elevator. Grampa did fashion us a see through tunnel so we were satisfied for the time being.

Too hot and muggy for cooking today so we'll have sandwiches and fresh corn for supper. I hope White Merlot will taste good with it because that's all the wine we have in the house!

Quote: The devil tempts us not. It is we tempt him, beckoning his skill with opportunity. __ George Eliot

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