Sunday, July 11, 2010

More than passable . . .

Another more than passable day. Luck held and the fireworks in Groton/New London went off as scheduled. It ended up being perfect weather because the clouds and a few raindrops kept the major heat away and by the time 8:30 rolled around the sky was gorgeous. We had a great night and got home in about 45 minutes. We've finally figured out the right roads take and we had Kiddo in bed by 10:45. I swear he never woke up once he got in the car and walked into the house like a zombie. Led him to the bathroom and to bed, dirt and all. Got up at 8:35 this morning none the worse for the wild time he had with all his cousins and friends. I even found a new drink for myself! One of the men at the garage party left Moosup nephew and I in charge of his small cooler while he went to Richoni's for a shot. When he returned he pretty much insisted I try one of the contents of his cache. So, I now know that I can drink Smirnoff Ice. That's pretty cool. I've never been able to hoist one with the crowd because I detest beer. But the Smirnoff Ice went down very nicely. Good things happen to those that wait.

Grampa picked raspberries after we returned from Kiddo's and so I felt like I had to do some sort of garden stuff. I picked beans, tomatoes, cukes and beets. Then I hoed the darned plot. Wasn't too bad as the sun had skittered behind the clouds at just the right time. We had hamburger steaks on the grill for supper with fresh beans and potatoes accompanied by beets and a cuke and tomato salad. Nice supper.

Naturally I still haven't caught up on my reading. But that's okay. Life is pretty damn sweet, aches and pains included. I guess Grampa and I have earned the right to slow down a bit and enjoy thinking about the kids we've provided to help unravel the grand scheme of life. Yep. Life is a bowl of raspberries. Even though I've cracked two glasses today; one water and one wine!

Quote: Lovely flowers are the smiles of God's goodness. __ Wilberforce

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