Saturday, September 25, 2010

Almost a good day . . .

Home and kennels of Susan Butcher, legendary Iditarod dog sled champion.

Was having a good day until Grampa tried to use the computer and it wouldn't connect and when I tried to use the iPad I couldn't even connect on the 3G and . . . when I called at&t I got the damned robot!!! at&t is really starting to tick me off big time. But here I am on the porch and the Wifi is now working. I've got to complain about the messy Wifi connection. You get sick of paying for crap after a while. I think it takes me longer than most to get pissy.

Played some basketball today at the Sterling School with Kiddo and baseball last night before it got too dark. His Mom just called and they may be coming to town to eat at Riverview. They wanted us to go also but poor Grampa had a root canal Thursday and he's still suffering so I'm making a hamburger stew. Hopefully that won't be too hard to deal with. We didn't even go out to breakfast this morning so you know it's got to be pretty bad. Did take a nice round about ride to Ekonk Hill where Grampa had coffee but I had ice cream. They have a corn maze this year and seemed to be quite busy at the maze. So the stew is cooking and I'm hoping that Kiddo and family will stop in after their dinner! That would be nice. They can see all the logs from the trees since the guy is having trouble getting someone to come and take them away. At least he called and said he really does want them and is working on an alternate plan. I expect them to be gone soon.

Well the computer is back to working. We'll see how long this connection lasts!
Quote: From principles is derived probability, but truth or certainty is obtained only from facts.

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