Monday, September 27, 2010

Procrastination . . .

62 degrees, cloudy and humid, a good day to clean but I'm not in the mood. Not much new there! So . . . I'm doing a couple of washes and while Grampa is at the VA in Providence I also took the time to vacuum the basement. Always can find those pesky old spider webs and some new ones to boot. And since I wasn't in a real cleaning mood I decided I needed to go for a walk too. Went downtown and up Main Street to Church Street to the Little League Park, through Potvin Village, across Linnell back to Main and home again, home again , jiggety jig. Stopped on the bridge to see the river. It's so low you can walk across. It seems strange that the river is so low because although the lawn is a bit dry it's really not too bad. We really do need a soaking rain. As I was pondering the river a young man, rather hirsute and disheveled stopped by in a raggedy car and asked me if I knew where Cloud Nine was. Took me a second to remember what the heck it was but then came the dawn. It's the drug store in Almyville! So I gave him directions for a u-turn and he thanked me and waved goodbye. Talk about stereotypes. Well I hope he has a glorious day. Back home I swept out the garage before Puppy's Pop gets home and I checked out what the town is doing on the curve near our property. They must be getting ready for rain. They're digging out the bottom of the old stone wall and making a trench. Perhaps some poor drunk will end up in the ditch one of these nights. OK, time for a snack and some reading.

Quote: How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, in the broad and fiery street, and in the narrow lane; how beautiful is the rain! ____Longfellow

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