Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coming home . . .

Just a few miles south of Sharon,VT in the beautiful Green Mountains. We're on our way home from the Champlain Valley Hot Rod Show. It's really quite pretty although there are some low flying clouds in the valleys. They always remind me of the first trip Puppy's Pop and I took to Québec back in the late 60's. I was teaching at NFA and we were living in East Hartford because Grampa was a pressman at the Hartford Courant. Wow, good memories but doesn't seem as if it could have really been so long ago - bk - before kids! The weather has been great for the show. There were at least 1700 cars and the colors and variety always take my breath away. There were only 4 El Caminos and ours certainly showed to advantage. One was grey; two were the original blue like my old Buick and then there was our perfect deep red. Quite a few people took pictures of it and as we left this morning someone had left a sticky note on the windshield about our selling it. All in all a relaxing couple of days. We stay at an excellent Best Western that has a fantastic restaurant and bar, The Windjammer. Our friends Bob and Joyce were in Connecticut this weekend for his 50th high school class reunion so we didn't get a chance to see them and they'll be on their way back to VT as we're on our way home at this moment. A neat looking 1940's panel truck just screamed bye on its way back to CT. It looks terrific in yellow. Not every vehicle looks good in yellow but that sure does. One of Puppy's Pop friends at the show was selling his black '57 Chevy so he can have room in his multiple garages for the '55 Nomad he's putting together. Asking $60,000 for the '57. He painted the '37 for us. His cars are always beautiful and worth a lot of money. His wife told him, "No more garages!" so he has to sell a car if he wants to build. Nice problem!

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