Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Almost too busy . . .

Around 10 at night. Fairbanks, Alaska.

Went to Wrentham for the Mass Cup control line flying contest Sunday. What a great place for a contest! There is a three mile walk with stations every 300 feet or so where you can climb steps, do stretches, hang and stretch yourself out etc. I didn't take the whole walk because I didn't want to lose sight of the flying field but I did take two short walks just to keep me from sitting too much. In the distance we saw 5 planes pulling banners around town and even got to see 4 F-18's fly overhead in formation. It was a cloudy, windy day but that was better than too hot. I helped to launch Puppy's Pop's Padre and he won the advanced division over 7 other contestants; one of them was pretty darned grouchy but I thought it was cool that Grampa won the first time he flew in the advanced class. They're already telling him to move up! That's a compliment, I suppose, but it seems to me that he should get a few more contests under his belt before he moves to expert. They also want him to fly full fuselage models. I'm certain that they don't realize how many planes we have in this old house - 18 - and some of them are full fuselage! They better watch out what they ask for. We went to the Dog Track this morning for my walk and his flying and he lengthened his lines by a couple of feet. Wow, the planes look even better when they are flying with the longer lines. He's a pretty cool dude and just takes everything in stride.

The tamaracks will be coming down starting at 8am tomorrow. I have mixed feelings but they really do have to come down. It's such a shame because Pa and my Uncle Joe planted them when I was about ten or twelve years old. They used to go into the State Forest and borrow trees all the time. Hmmm . . . I wonder if I could get the state to pay for cutting them down? Could use some of that stimulus money.

Just came in from a shellacking in horseshoes. Was beaten badly twice even with my 30 shoe advantage :( But it's so good to be out there enjoying our yard and the beautiful fall like weather. I've got to start cleaning up the garden but it'll have to wait for a while because I'm not in the mood. Went to see my younger sister yesterday. I love to go see her. We go out for a shared pizza and then off to Granville, MA for homemade ice-cream and a walk around the barn yard to check out the nice clean animals. The donkey was missing but we did pet the mother of 8 chocolate lab puppies while they were rough housing in the donkey's pen. The lucky donkey is away for the season at Amherst, UMASS. He was such a good stud last year he was invited back. Pretty cool.

If you would like to see pictures of the Wrentham contest click on Perry's Toys at the top of the blog. He has some of the shots and a link to many other photographs from the contest including the plane with 22 wings.

Quote: Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt; and every grin, so merry, draws one out. __Wolcott

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