Sunday, September 19, 2010


Presently on Route 6 in Andover,CT. And did I mention our hitch hiker? Here's the unadulterated truth. At the Vermont Sugar House yesterday morning I bought maple sugar fudge and a small bag of maple sugared walnuts. I left the maple sugar nuts on the seat of the El Camino and ate all of the fudge. This morning when I got in the car to head for home I was appalled and about ready to give Puppy's Pop a good talking to. There were only about 3 walnuts left in the bag and there were crumbs on the seat. I picked up the bag and saw little teeth marks and a ragged hole in the plastic bag . . . What a horror show. We've got a mouse in the El Camino as I write! What the heck. We brought the thing to the car show with us and don't know where the sucker is. As we were cruising down 291 South a piece of maple sugared walnut fell from the dash to my feet. Kill, kill, kill, kill . . . Can't wait to get home and set some peanut butter traps.

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