Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Last day of Summer. . .

Chena River Landing. Finally, back to Alaska!

Excellent day. Went out for breakfast at Lizzy B's and hope I win this month's raffle. Linda has a neat little cart with pumpkins painted on the side and it holds a good sized potted plant. In all these years I've only won once and I won candles! I'm petrified of candles. She's had some pretty nice free raffles but I certainly don't have Gram's luck. Also had the time to walk at the track while Puppy's Pop played around with the plane engines and then shopped at Big Y. This is the first time I try their 5 for $20 items. It's pretty neat. I got five different packages of meat for $20. You can get all the same meat product or vary it. It was a good buy at least for this week. At the track there were 6 sea gulls lined up watching the plane go round and I half expected them to attack the newbie but they just flew off after watching a few rounds. I'm getting antsy about the logs on the lawn. The man who wanted them and came to see them last Thursday hasn't called to say when he'll be picking them up. If he doesn't call by the week end we'll have to see what's going on. There are plenty of people who have shown an interest in carting the logs away. I'm beginning to suspect that we should have hired the man who cut them down to haul them away. He did say that if the deal fell through with the friend of a friend to let him know and he has someone who would come and get them. Still, my patience is wearing thin. The only plus is that Kiddo hasn't seen the trees down and he will get a kick out of playing laser tag along the logs when he comes home Friday afternoon.Brought the last two pumpkins to Groton today. Not too much left in the garden. I cleaned out a lot of weeds and dead flowers yesterday. We're still eating beets and Swiss chard but we only have about 10 more tomatoes. The Fall raspberries are just starting to ripen and if we don't get an early freeze they will be luscious.

Quote: Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books. __Colton

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