Saturday, February 19, 2011

Caution!!! High winds on bridge. . . .

(Science Journal. Self portrait. Kiddo riding a camel in the desert. Snake following. I read him some of Kipling's Just So Stories. How cool.)

So . . . how to handle a rickshaw in high winds on the Gold Star Bridge. Hold on to the steering mechanism as tightly as arthritis allows; pray that the driver of the wobbling eighteen wheeler is really buff so can hold his charging steeds in check; ask the pipsqueak in the back seat to turn down the volume on Big Time Rush; hope you have enough gas to power the rickshaw. And it worked. The huge digital sign as you approach the bridge on 95 North and it's warning prepared me well for the task at hand. The ride home was a piece of cake although it took about five minutes to extricate myself from the lightweight vehicle passed off by Enterprise as a car. My hands had to be unwrapped from the steering wheel one finger at a time and although I can still type it's difficult using my knuckles on the touch screen because the fingers went back to the hard grip position. Should have checked the weather before leaving home. Wind advisory until 2am Sunday morning. Gusts up to 50 miles per hour. Temperatures 15 to 30 above. Sounds about right.

Watched UCONN men allow Louisville to beat them again. The women take on Notre Dame at Gampel this afternoon. Should be better results although Notre Dame can give them a hard time. Turned up the heat in the house. The windows are rattling as if a helicopter were overhead.

Quote: The gentle wind, a sweet and passionate wooer, kisses the blushing leaf. ___Longfellow
(Who is this guy anyway?)

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