Sunday, February 6, 2011

Woot . . . January thaw . . .

45 degrees and melting. How warm is this? Very warm, I tells ya. This is such a beautiful reprieve. The roads are finally melting; the roofs are starting to shed their icicles; the cars are so filthy you have no idea what color they are; it is truly beauteous. How I love the January thaw even if it is in February and doesn't last. It's been a maple sugar night and day, though it's certainly too early for sugaring. I hope the neighbors tap the sugar maples on the property line and allow us to beg for a share in the golden, amber ambrosia. But . . . all in due time. I'm rushing the season. We still have lots more winter to ease through.

Making home made meatball grinders for supper with sautéed peppers and onions. Making me hungry already. Just a little aside here. Kiddo asked why I always say "supper." I explained that that's what we call the evening meal at our house. His quote," Don't say that word again. It's dinner." I graciously explained that at my house it's supper. And he said, "Mémère!#%^*~¥" I have no way to show the sound of his voice as he said Mémère. But as Grampa explained he meant, " Don't make me have to show you how to say "dinner." He was sick again Friday, some kind of cold or sinus problem so we ate hamburgers and went to Borders for lots of books. He read to me when we got back to his house. Mom got home very early, for a Friday, and I left him in Groton with his folks as they were taking a Friday breather before today's Super Bowl madness.

It's that time of the year and I'm off tomorrow to a doctor's appointment in New London. It's just part of a yearly checkup but they seem to be coming often! It's a bit tiring but what the heck. I certainly can't complain about our health. We're in fine fettle and we have good doctors to thank for that.

Quote: The ignorant man marvels at the exceptional; the wise man marvels at the common; the greatest wonder of all is the regularity of nature. ___G. D. Boardman

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