Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rather lucky day . . .

Here I sit at the dining room table in middle child's home in Groton and consider my self lucky because I'm sipping coffee and snacking on Goldfish. Yesterday I had to make a mad dash to Dr. Mackey, our dentist here in Groton, because it seemed I might have an abscessed molar. She checked it out, thought hopefully that it was only a cracked filling that was acting up right down to the gums, but she didn't have the time to work on it so I returned for 8 this morning and she had me out of there before 9! Hip, hip hurrah! I'm thankful that's all there was to it. So I went to Starbucks, splurged on a Mocha Latte and very berry coffee cake which I took to a beautiful park on Route 1 near Grasso Tech. After my delicious splurge I walked my two miles in the grey, windy cold on their half mile track. There were many people walking but the best part was a class of new mother's, about 12 of them, with their babies and buggies walking, running, stopping, working out all the way around the track. Pretty neat. It was Miss April, daughter's neighbor who runs the class. I did stop and say hello. They were having a grand old time. Then I decided to help out at Kiddo's school even though I don't generally do lunch duty on Wednesdays. I'll go pick him up at three and let hm stay for a half hour or so to play with the walkers that often stay and hang around on the school's playground. He gets a kick out of that. For now I'll just settle in and get caught up on my magazines.

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