Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yay ! ! !

And we have lift off! The garden is all planted: early girls, better boys, marketmores, straight necks, Yukon golds, bush beans, Swiss chard, jack o'lanterns, fancy gourds, nasturtiums, puff ball zinnias, medium zinnias, double zinnias, short fat sunflowers. Yesterday we had the best day so far for 2011 and I took full advantage of the gorgeous sunny, cloudless deep blue skies. Puppy's Pop got the yard looking stunningly green and weed free! The purple flocks have filled the wooded area behind the garage, the lilacs are past their prime as well as the forsythia but the bridal wreath is the most voluptuous it has ever been. It's no wonder the birds flock here. We even had four colorful pigeons. I do hope they don't bring any friends because they are big birds which means big messes. Even the foxes have taken a liking to our cottage homestead. The turkey hasn't been back lately. Perhaps she was dinner for the foxes. How the world does keep turning and what an infinitesimal yet exciting part we play.

Quote: One must be poor to know the luxury of giving. __George Eliot

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