Only ten in the morning and have already done a load of wash, including heavy bath mat, eaten breakfast at Zip's, walked my two miles with Puppy's Pop, cancelled the mail and paper for next week and still have time to work in the raspberries if I feel like it! Now that I'm sitting down perhaps I'll just read until it's time to go to Groton. We bumped onto Carl M. while on our walk and if the weather cooperates he should be working on the porch roof next week. Can't wait to have that completed. I'd also like to get the whole house roof replaced but Puppy's Pop is giving me a semi hard time. It really doesn't seem to have any leaks but it's growing moss at a fast pace. Can't believe that that is good for the roof. Of course anything we do on the roof will be a pain because of the Northern exposure. I hate to spend the money but it will have to be done someday just not sure if we should do it now or wait until . . ? Looks like it will stay in the 50's today with partial sun. Can't get a break with this Mark Twain weather. Had a good visit with youngest sister-in-law yesterday. She may be able to stop in on some Tuesdays. She is helping out with her youngest grandchild and has some time between dropping her off at pre-K and picking her up from the bus. Now it's time for me to read the paper and have a cup of coffee. We were out too early today!
Quote: Nothing in the world is more haughty than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power. ____Wessenburg
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