Sunday, April 8, 2012

Joyeuses Pâques . . .

Perfect Easter Sunday: 7:30 am Mass with a pretty good group of friends and neighbors; beautifully decorated altar; bread baking, potato mashing, buttered broccoli, turnip, roast beef, best gravy ever, Greg's Chocolate Cake, and other sundries for one o'clock dinner for eight. The sun even deigned to make an appearance and the kids played basketball. Couldn't ask for anything more. Well, maybe someday the oldest and youngest will be home with wife and perfect friend but I'll always be satisfied with what I have at the moment. We even received a beautiful little Easter basket from our neighbor's children which they made themselves. Very nice and perfect gift on this holy day.

The Kiddo has the week off so I'm hoping I'll get a chance to take him bowling and to Frogeez for frozen yogurt. Perhaps we'll be able to do that Thursday. Big brother is also home this week so he'll be able to keep Kiddo entertained! I will be going to visit my younger brother tomorrow after the exercise class. Sister-in-law and I have a date to go walking. I do need the double dose of exercise because I ate so much today. It felt just great to be able to eat everything whipped cream and all!

Quote: Underneath all the arches of Bible history, throughout the whole grand temple of the Scriptures, these two voices ever echo, man is ruined; man is redeemed. ___C. D. Foss

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