Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rainy Sunday . . .

Not much going on this gray, rainy coolish day. Puppy's Pop tried to get away with not taking me to our usual Sunday morning breakfast date at Lizzy B's. That takes nerve. He tried to take off early for fishing for the love of Pete! Because we went to breakfast at Old Tymes in Norwich yesterday he thought we'd skip today. No way. We went to breakfast but he only ate a corn muffin because he had already indulged! He did get a chance to go fishing before the rain set in but only caught one trout big enough to eat so he put it back even though he lost his favorite lure as the trout was being freed! We brought Kiddo to Sacred Heart early yesterday morning for a three hour preparation class for his First Communion. Mom and Dad picked him up at noon and I think they went out to buy his new suit. Spent the day reading, listening to the race as I worked on my embroidery and making Gumbo for supper. Almost time to eat. Smells good. We've been eating fresh asparagus lately. It is very good. Have to make some stewed rhubarb soon. My mouth waters just thinking about it!

Quote:  ___How singular, and yet how simple, the philosophy of rain! ___Who but the Omniscient one could have devised such an admirable arrangement for watering the earth!  __Ure

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