Saturday, April 28, 2012

Poor man . . .

At 32 degrees and windy this morning I'm sure Grampa was not in the mood to go fishing. Kiddo and I played badminton in the driveway and when it warmed up to 42 degrees we went for a walk to the river . We were going to throw rocks but there were two fishermen in our favorite spots so we came back home. Kiddo cajoled Grampa into digging for worms and they are on their way to Sterling pond. I hope they catch a few fish. It would be cool for him to catch something big enough to eat! Before they left Kiddo picked the asparagus so I think we'll bring it to his Mom and Dad. Maybe he'll even try a bite? He did ask how it tastes!

After lunch at Richoni's we'll go to Coventry, RI to see the new horseshoe pits. It's a good sunny, cool day for an excursion.

Quote: Men might be better if we deemed better of them. -The worst way to improve the world is to condemn it. __Bailey

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