Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Close to home . . .

The garage lily has survived the bugs!

Was sitting outside swinging my life away yesterday evening when I saw the neighbors from the little grey house across the street rummaging in the woods by the rock, brick, cement barrier past the garden. Went to check out what they were up to. They had found a purse that had been stolen from their car during the night. With Puppy's Pop's help they were able to recover everything but $170. It's getting pretty nasty when you can't consider your property safe in our small town USA. I'm guessing our neighbor had left her pocket book in the locked car with the window cracked open a little because of the heat thinking she was going out again but didn't go out. Grampa heard voices at around 3:30am walking by. I imagine these voices were some roaming teens who managed to open the car and steal the lady's purse and Kindle. What a bunch of creeps. There are a lot of people walking by here now that we've never seen before. I generally try to say hi to them just to be friendly and let them know that we're out and about. C'est dégoûtant!

Had a very pleasant Father's Day dinner at Riverview with middle child and family. Visited with younger brother yesterday morning before heading off to Groton and our Kiddo. The kid thinks he's a fish! Spent two hours in the pool! He would have stayed even longer if I hadn't made him come out. Since my bout with a UTI I just sit on the deck and throw balls at him! He, naturellement, sends them back at me and tries to get me as wet as possible! He does a good job of that. I planted the cleome kid brother gave me near the garage last night. I had to dig up 40,000 rocks, nails, clinkers and broken pottery before I could plant them in the one foot square patch I had prepared!
Quote: That which is won ill, will never wear well, for there is a curse attends it which will waste it. __The same corrupt dispositions which incline men to sinful ways of getting, will incline them to like sinful ways of spending. __M. Henry

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