Wow, I haven't felt this awful since . . . never. This is a new low. Being treated for a UTI and possible Lyme Disease. I think it's just a horrendous case of a UTI which I haven't had since 2006 and this one takes the cake. I've had to miss seeing my younger sister, taking care of our Kiddo and going to see Mame at Goodspeed. Today I actually did some exercises, put on my face and took a walk around the garden so I know I'm getting better. Found out that we have some honeysuckle bushes growing behind the garage. Also believe we have at least one bat living in the overhang on the garage. Puppy's Pop doesn't believe me yet, thinks the scat is from toads but there sure as heck is something crapping down on the asphalt near my swing. The scat is also up on the swinging doors, therefore, not toads. Many years ago we had a bat right above the Hot Rod garage door and Puppy's Pop put up two boards to give it a proper place to hang. Of course it never returned. But something is now living up there and even with a flashlight I can't see enough to verify my contention that we have bats. But the guano is there, no doubt about that. I'm guessing that they must be healthy or they wouldn't be hanging around. (Pun intended.)
We have so many birds feasting out on the feeders under the spruce tree they have become downright noisy: gold finches, purple finches, nuthatches, cardinals, blue jays, rose breasted grosbeaks, titmice, doves, downy woodpeckers, red-bellied woodpeckers, sparrows, juncos, chickadees. Of course the humming birds are having a blast and so are the bluebirds. A lot of fun just watching and enjoying their sometimes rollicking bickering. I just had to scare off a grackle and some squirrels. We allow the squirrels to feed on the ground but when they get on the feeders we scare them away.
Puppy's Pop went off to fly in Brooklyn and I'm hoping I feel well enough when he returns to take a ride to Oakland Beach for a light lunch at the Top of the Bay.
Quote: A man's ideal, like his horizon, is constantly receding from him as he advances toward it. __W. G. T. Shedd
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