Sunday, June 24, 2012

What a day . . .

Started out this beautiful summer day with cinnamon crisp French toast dunked in hot apple juice at Old Tymes in Norwich before we headed off to East Hampton for a control line combat contest. We got to the Salmon River State Park early so we just walked the river's shore and some of the dirt roads. What a beautiful park. Wish we had brought some fishing gear. I saw a bug glide close to a trout and the trout snapped it up! I've never seen that before. You can catch the trout but they have to be at least 9" and if you catch any salmon they must be thrown back. I'm not certain when the salmon would be swimming around; we certainly didn't see any. You can wade into the river, go across on the stepping stones or fish from shore. They even have a very large deck from which you can fish. There were numerous bobbers and lures in the branches of the trees above the deck! One super experience at this park is the spring water that just gushes out of two copper pipes. Many people come and fill up bottles and bring the water home. Cheaper than buying designer water in the store and it is delicious. I kept our little bottle filled all the time we were there. During the power outages last year people from all over hell and damnation went to the Salmon River Park to fill up on drinking water. Very cool. Very cold.

Combat started around 10 so we grabbed our chairs and set up in the shade. We saw some amazing flying. Can't even begin to describe what it's like to see two men in the center of a very small circle with gas engine powered wings at the end of sixty foot lines towing red and blue ribbons trying to cut each others streaming ribbon. It is totally wild and if all goes well lasts about five minutes a match. Points are scored for most time in the air, cuts and I'm not sure what else. But we did see a couple of mid airs in which the pieces just rained down from the sky. It really is exciting to see them manœuvre the planes. I couldn't help laughing at some of the outrageous moves they can make. One man was flying his plane very close to the ground and the other guy actually flew even lower and came up under the first guys streamer but he only managed to get it to slide off of his own wing, didn't cut it. Screaming engines whipping around furiously, great fun. Stopped in Colchester for a bite to eat before coming home. Puppy's Pop had already pre-loaded the El Camino and is now on his way to Brooklyn International. Can't miss out on the Sunday fun!

Quote: Books should to one of these four ends conduce, for wisdom, piety, delight, or use. ____Denham

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