Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ingenious, that's what he is . . .

Kiddo named his plane Blue Striker.

Puppy's Pop never ceases to amaze me. I came home Thursday after my Big Y shopping and there before my very eyes, on the flower side of the carriage house was the Dodge truck trailing the ugliest pop-up camper anyone could imagine. At a minimum quadruple ugly. It only cost $136 at the junk yard on Ward Avenue. What a find! What a buy! Leave it to Puppy's Pop to tear it completely apart to make a utility trailer for the mowers. He mows fields in Sterling and Brooklyn for flying so he's been looking at trailers and they are too expensive. Now, this is the fantastic part. He brought back to the junk yard all of the aluminum plus the original engine from the El Camino and some other metal odds and ends and was paid about $114. So he got his strong utility trailer for $22. But the work that went into the dismantling and carting away of the disgusting stuff from the camper was enormous. What a wonderful character I have as my chosen spouse. The brain never stops. He also built a flying wing for Kiddo and they flew it last evening at the Sterling School. Really cool men in my life.

Kiddo wanted to play one on one basketball with me yesterday but I didn't last very long. So I played fetch while he dribbled, tried fancy footwork, threw the ball up and then caught it, palmed it and made lots of baskets. He even kept the dribble going when it got away from him and was pretty much out of play. Big brother has been working with him. They play pretty tough for this Mémé. He's always in my face when I try to dribble and likes to bump me off of the ball! Don't think our game would past muster by the rules. I did manage to beat him two out of three in Bongo Ball this morning. Lucky throws! He is competitive but good natured enough if he loses. Swears he'll get you next time. He doesn't like to quit until he wins!
Quote: Childhood does sometimes pay a second visit to a man; youth never. ____Mrs. Jameson

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