Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finally wearing shorts . . .

Day started out grey and dampish but turned sunny by afternoon, dry and clear. At this moment it is glorious. Puppy's Pop will be leaving soon for horseshoes at the Jogues Club but I'm planning to stay home and do nothing. I did manage to change all the beds, dust, vacuum and scrub the bathroom so I'm taking the night off!

Had a few nice visits this week. Saw younger sister Monday and we shared our traditional lunch and went to the farm for ice cream sundaes. Perfect day. Stayed in Groton for a while Tuesday and helped Kiddo make a place in his room to show off his Legos. He loves to build and does them all himself. He's working on the 8 - 14 age category. I'm pretty impressed. It's too bad they're so expensive. Besides fixing up his display we played badminton, well, we really just see how long we can keep a volley going. Our best is 7. Definitely need improvement. A neighbor boy stopped in and I tried to show him how to play. That was tough! He's just a little guy, maybe six years old and tried to use the racquet as a baseball bat! Serving is very hard that way! Wednesday I stopped in to see younger brother who has been busy planting beautiful flowers on their property. Their home is wonderful and so are the grounds. His old puppy, Sassy found some critter in a wall and she was busy all the time I was there trying to get at it. When I left the cat was helping her out. And lastly I got beat 2 out of 3 games of cribbage today. Susan beat me handily. She had some fantastic cards.

Think I'll break down and have some Lemoncello di Créma and cranberry juice. Good for what ails me.

Quote: The most painful part of our bodily pain is that which is bodiless or immaterial, namely our impatience, and the delusion that it will last forever. ___Richter


Natalie said...

glad to hear that you are feeling some what better, aren't the gardens beautiful!

Qu'que chose said...

They certainly are!