Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Draggin' butt today . . oh well . . .

I think the humid weather is getting to me; feeling torpid and dull. But . . . I did win a game of cribbage this morning. My cousine from Moosup came for a short time and we got in one game; that's about my max concentration! It was a close game but I managed to pull out the win. We were having lousy hands. She had two hands where she came up empty. The best hand the entire game was my sixteen; that was it. We didn't make any more dates but if I want to play she told me to call even if it's last minute and she'll try to come over. I'm not in the mood for too much driving yet.

P&D's Pop brought me to the eye doctor's yesterday because my eyes have been messed up lately. Well I guess major surgery can make cataracts get bad fast! My right eye will have to have the cataract removed but I'll wait until I see Dr. Foley in mid August to find out when that will be feasible. It may take six months, qui sait? I didn't get new glasses because that would be a waste. I'll just hold off until I can get it taken care of.

Not much going on today. Think I'll try a bit of very slow exercising and maybe try to get a photo of the flowering tree my cousin gave me years ago and the deer have finally left alone!

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