Friday, July 3, 2015

Pain . . .

If you imagine a human shape drawn out on graph paper in proper proportions and then imagine the mid section from the navel to the neck burning, not flames but a metal burn and on this section of the graph the technician has added all possible interstices and you may get a feel for the pain at every point, especially noticeable when a body is in a prone position. On rising, walking, standing and sitting the pain is greatly reduced and almost forgettable especially if there are beautiful birds to be seen out jet setting between the feeders and trees. You know and appreciate that you are still a precious human being that the Lord has favored, why? who knows but He has, and that's perfect for moi.

Without P&D's Pop I could never be on the recovery road as I am. I don't even feel sorry for myself just grateful that the nurses and doctors in my life have been so astute in helping me grow up. It's a wild journey and though arduous, torturous and painful it's a Wow ride. Life is full of changes, love and good people. I am thankful. I am thankful for P&D's Pop and the three children we share and all they have brought into our lives. Je vous remercie, mon doux Seigneur.

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