Saturday, July 4, 2015

Wow, Fourth of July present . . .

I am so impressed and happy. Puppies and Dante's Pop has completed the installation of the garage door opener/closer. I will keep one control in the car and one in the house just to keep it simple and easy. I'm not driving yet and at this point in time I'm not interested in driving nor do I have permission from the doctor. Besides still not being near to snuff I'm not sure the pills are conducive to being on the road nor is my physical comfort. Definitely need some time. But I am getting better every day and I believe I actually slept for two hours in a row last night and got up at 6:45am - progress noted.

Had a very good and happy visit with middle child and grandson yesterday. They brought me a black and white milkshake which tasted salubrious.Kiddo also did a few odd jobs for me and ate raspberries right from the bushes. Can't believe he'll be 11 years old in about a month. It seems that he will be losing quite a few kids from his class at Sacred Heart for a number of reasons. Looks like he'll be down to about 15 kids. I know he'll miss his best friend whose Mom was a para-professional at Sacred Heart and found out after school closed for the summer that she was being put on very limited hours for next year. She can't make ends meet that way so her two boys will go to Cutler Middle School. A couple of the kids are leaving for the Saint Bernard Middle School. Mais c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? I told him the kids would still be his friends and with fewer students in sixth grade they should be able to get a lot more interesting studies in depth. Here's hoping I'm right. I despise the way this foolish, ego-maniac bishop runs the Catholic schools in our diocese. What a useless man we have at the helm. I wish they would give us a nice new Polish bishop direct from Poland. They're pretty savvy yet old fashioned about kids' upbringing, at least from my observations which are admittedly limited. Middle child looks and sounds wonderful. The new old job seems really interesting and she'll be doing some traveling - starting out with a four day trip to Louisiana! Perhaps she and big brother will get a chance to get together. That would be exciting.

P&D's Pop is trying to get some flying in before the rain. He had a bad crash a couple of days ago and can't save the plane but the engine is okay so I think there will be some  building in the basement hangar this Winter!

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