Friday, July 10, 2015

Pretty neat . . .

Well, this has been pretty fantastique. I actually went downstairs this morning. Doesn't seem like much but I consider it a great accomplishment. The Doctors said I shouldn't walk on hills but I can do stairs as long as I don't pull myself up using the bannister. I've already been upstairs for shits  and giggles and so today I tackled the basement. I had a couple of cards to mail out so I had the perfect excuse to use the basement door and not walk down the hill. You know what? The basement really looks good. P&D's Pop has a nice bright workshop/hangar down there. I'm afraid he'll still have to do the washes as most of them weigh over ten pounds and I would be fearful of going down or up those narrow cement stairs with any kind of package what so ever. But it feels good to know I can get all over the house, slowly, but I can do it.

We went shopping at Big Y this morning and although I am pooped it went pretty well. I just find what we need and P&D's Pop puts it in the carriage, pushes the cart to the checkout and then it all goes in the trunk and he also has to take it in the house. Once it's in the house I can unpack it myself and put it away; so I am a little useful!

Younger brother and his wife dropped off some home made chicken soup and fresh blueberries yesterday, late afternoon. They stayed for a nice visit before going on their way to Bald Hill to celebrate 44 years of wedded bliss. Now, that is very cool. Think I'll take a rest in an hour or so. Feeling pretty damned good.

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