Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beautiful time of the year . . .

Busy Friday. Kiddo had no school so I picked him up around 11am and after lunch at McD's in Groton he had time to plan his day on the drive home. Walked in the house and asked Grampa if they could go fishing. They dug up some worms, dressed warmly and took off in the Dodge Ram, just the two of them. It's really nice to be left behind and I'm not being facetious. I enjoy seeing Kiddo putting Grampa through his paces! They got skunked, naturally, because, as Kiddo told me "The fish were way down at the bottom of Porter Pond so they could stay warm. We didn't catch any." When they returned he and I took a hike into the woods around the property where we found green tea berry plants peeping out through the scrunchy russet leaves, princess pine and Christmas wreath runners. Really nice time following the little guy as we warded off the bad guys with his spy watch. After we finally came in he grabbed his books of mazes and joined Grampa downstairs at his special place so they could do their work together. We appreciate the time he spends with us. Grampa had a VA appointment for noon Saturday to have his hearing rechecked and he and his aids passed with flying colors. After I dropped Kiddo off in Groton I returned to clean the house. Grampa and I also went for our two mile walk at the Yankee Flyers field. We were asked out to dinner with the W's of Oneco but my stomach is on the fritz. Believe it or not I think I'm allergic to turkey! Or perhaps it's only the turkey soup. O,
que ça fait mal à l'estomac quand je la mange! So no more turkey for me. I hated to say no to the invite but I certainly would not have been very good company. I borrowed some of Puppy's Pop's Zantac and Tums and finally did get a decent night's sleep. Today I'm going to
Woonsocket, pronounced woon-sau-kette, accent on the last syllable, with my friend S. from Killingly. We're going to hear Josée Vachon, chanteuse Canadienne, in a Christmas Concert. S. and I love the old Canadian chansons de Noël.

Time for a little snack before I leave. Interestingly I saw Saint Nicolas at Mass today, not Santa, the real Saint Nicolas, in his beautiful priestly robes.

Quote: The saints are God's jewels, highly esteemed by and dear to him; they are a royal diadem in his hand. ___M. Henry

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