Monday, December 20, 2010

Joyeux Noël et Bonne et Heureuse Année . . .

Trying to get ready for Christmas Day. Went food shopping and flower shopping today. Will pick up the Roast Beast Friday morning along with Kiddo's hamburger and rolls! I know I shouldn't indulge him but he likes my hamburgers so that'll be my present to him on Christmas Day while the rest of us eat Prime Rib, turnips, broccoli, mashed potatoes, gravy, home made bread and Gram's cheesecake along with a few other odd and ends, wines, candies et cetera. There will be eight us and we'll all be thinking happy thoughts of those who are celebrating in distant places. I do like the holidays. It really is relaxing to sit around and enjoy the passing years. Many more good times than bad. Have to appreciate all we have; each other, our families and friends. Looks like a snowy day but there is no snow and that's OK I want the roads to stay clear all week because I've got to get to Groton every day but the weekend!

Had fun company yesterday after lunch when Moosup nephew, his wife and kiddos came for a visit. The kids kept busy playing while we chatted for a bit. Nephew, wife and his parents were going to the Patriots vs Greenbay last night. I even stayed up to watch the goofy Packers get beat. Long night! Before the game daughter and her family came and took us out to Riverview for dinner. That was excellent, especially the company, but the food was good too. It's always great when I don't have to cook! Puppy's Pop sold two of his old remote control planes yesterday and made $60! Not bad! I have also sold some of my audio books for about $60 total. Not so good as I paid quite a bit for them but better to sell than just hang on to them for no good reason. I really don't want to listen to Moby Dick again!

Finally have caught up with my magazines. Now if I can only get ahead of them I can start making the puzzles I've received for Christmas!

Quote: There is a God in science, a God in history, and a God in conscience, and these three are one. ____Joseph Cook

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Tree looks great. As always.