Saturday, December 18, 2010

Where to begin?

Guess I'll start with a cup of French Vanilla tea and some home made Oneco Christmas cookies. Just got back from walking and flying at the Sterling School where Grampa was able to strut his stuff for two fourth grade ladies and their Corgi, Cinnamon. What a cold but beautiful, crisp almost winter day. Had trouble finding some crunchy ice to crack. It's been so cold that the puddles are still frozen solid. Before flying we stopped to bring a little gift to friends and marvel at their fantastical old Shell gas pump. I hope to be able to get a picture of it after it snows. It will show up so well. R. is also working on another old gas pump that looks as if it dates from the 1930's. ( mmmmm. . . nothing like really delicious, pretty, friend made Christmas cookies.)

I've got to brag that I'm finally back to drinking my post prandial wine and able to eat real whole meals again. Have no clue what was bothering me but as soon as I made an appointment with my primary care nurse I seemed to feel better. She did give me something for my stomach called Dexilant and it seems to be a wonder drug! Still not back on Oscal or vitamins but "feeling groovy." Grampa has made the big time. He sent in an article to Control Line Flying, a magazine from Brodak in Pennsylvania and they are going to publish it along with his picture, email address and photo of the plane he wrote about. That is just so cool. Kiddo and I almost finished decorating the tree last night so I'll finish up this afternoon while Grampa works on the El Camino. It's running rough, so rough that after dropping off the little Christmas gift in Oneco we came right home and switched vehicles to go flying! Now that's pretty darned rough, don'tcha know!

OK. I'm on my sixth cookie and everyone was different, looked scrumptious and was out of this world delicious. I only mention this because I have been given cookies that looked wonderful and were beautifully decorated but all tasted the same . . . wet cardboard yuck. I'm so fortunate that I can eat all these wonders and enjoy them. Woot! On a lower note, not happy that youngest child's car is still broken after it had been repaired. Hope she can get that straightened out. This was at a dealership too! It seems England and the USA have a lot in common! But, after all, it is a French car and I can't imagine the French making a good automobile, the Germans, yes, not the French.

Quote: Presents which our love for the donor has rendered precious are ever the most acceptable. ____Ovid

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