Just returned from Sunday Mass, having already breakfasted at LizzyB's, and was surprised that there were only about 30 people in the church. All Hallows looks so nice in its Christmas finery. The lay people decorate with just the right beauty and simplicity. With our Polish priest the old statues are reappearing, cleanly restored and in their old places. I like it. Two ladies who harmonize very well were our choir and I felt so at home and comfortable. I had gone to the children's Mass on Christmas Eve and the church was packed; that was a good thing. Since we no longer have a Catholic school in the entire town of Plainfield it amazes me to see so many young families with at least 2 or 3 children. Volunteers run the religious education programs on Sunday mornings before and after the 9:15 Mass. I'm impressed with the work they do. It truly is a labor of love although some of the kids could use a scolding. (I don't think that word exists anymore!)
Our Christmas Day was warm, comfortable and relaxing. For once dinner was late instead of early so I am making progress! Kiddo ate his entire hamburger and a rack of grapes without even a slight complaint. Some how or other I made the best Gram's Cheesecake ever. We were all suitably impressed. I think it came out so well because I fortuitously came upon medium eggs and while I was preparing the cake son called so I just put the batter aside while we all talked for a bit. Whatever the case may be there's not much left and I know that I shall indulge in a slice for lunch with homemade raspberry sauce and fresh whipped cream.
And the Saga of the Clio will go on into the New Year. Youngest called Christmas Day and the Clio has the dealership so distraught they asked if they could have one of their mechanics take it home and drive it so they can really figure out what's wrong with it. Grampa seems to think that they probably never had to put in the new wiring harness and there's some type of electrical problem. I wish they'd give youngest another vehicle and call it even. This is getting to be outrageous. She and G. are spending the holidays with his parents and had a White Christmas! So far we have a very light dusting of snow.
Quote: Neither piety, virtue, nor liberty can long flourish in a community where the education of youth is neglected. ___Cooper
Our Christmas Day was warm, comfortable and relaxing. For once dinner was late instead of early so I am making progress! Kiddo ate his entire hamburger and a rack of grapes without even a slight complaint. Some how or other I made the best Gram's Cheesecake ever. We were all suitably impressed. I think it came out so well because I fortuitously came upon medium eggs and while I was preparing the cake son called so I just put the batter aside while we all talked for a bit. Whatever the case may be there's not much left and I know that I shall indulge in a slice for lunch with homemade raspberry sauce and fresh whipped cream.
And the Saga of the Clio will go on into the New Year. Youngest called Christmas Day and the Clio has the dealership so distraught they asked if they could have one of their mechanics take it home and drive it so they can really figure out what's wrong with it. Grampa seems to think that they probably never had to put in the new wiring harness and there's some type of electrical problem. I wish they'd give youngest another vehicle and call it even. This is getting to be outrageous. She and G. are spending the holidays with his parents and had a White Christmas! So far we have a very light dusting of snow.
Quote: Neither piety, virtue, nor liberty can long flourish in a community where the education of youth is neglected. ___Cooper
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