Puppy's Pop has been out to check up on my spinner and nary a trace could he find. I'm somewhat bitter about this disappearance because that means I have to get through the entire winter and most of the spring before I can get a new one. Believe it or not it's hard to find the right one on line. They have so many look a likes but most are garbage ( pronounced in the manner of the French.) So I shall suffer mightily for too many months and therefore have time to reflect on the cost of a new one which may make me decide to be economical! ! ! Doubtful.
Grampa used the Saturn to go to horseshoes in East Hartford today while I stayed home and luxuriated in the peace and quiet of a house all to myself! ( Wouldn't want that all the time but it is pleasant to be alone occasionally as I'm sure all can appreciate the calm and delight that reigns in solitude.) I did washes, walked to my audio book which I absolutely love, worked on my puzzle, read the horrid Bulletin in two minutes flat, completed the latest American Spectator and made out my shopping list. Therefore, 'twas a good day until I got the car back and went shopping. The check out girl was in never never land and over charged me for a twelve pack of Coke and the idiot at the package store never acknowledged my presence as I paid for the Cabernet Sauvignon. He continued to talk to someone, who was in front of me and then ceded her place to me, about his most stupid friend who insisted that he could order pizza by the piece not by the slice. As the young man at the checkout explained to the lady now behind me as he took my money and never even caught my eye, "John is so stupid. He won't admit that you order pizza by the slice not the piece. And I told him he was stupid . . ." I know. I should have told the clerk he was the ass and should pay attention to a good customer but I was so incensed I just fumed all the way home. Poor Grampa had to listen to my diatribe as I used the last of the roast beast to make soup for supper. I must be getting crotchety in my dotage. The neighbor kids asked me to borrow my sleds so they could slide on my hill! They can't find their sleds! Gee willikers, we let their two dogs run here and now we have to provide the sleds for their enjoyment. Oh well, and this too shall pass.
Just figured out a good puzzle for Springbok. I'll take a picture of my latest Lucky Roll, half completed, with a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon also on the table. Grampa says the glass of wine should be within the frame of the puzzle. Bonne idée! Tomorrow should be a great day. I'm picking up 6 year old great nephew from the old homestead and bringing him to Groton to spend the day with Kiddo. Should be a blast.
Grampa used the Saturn to go to horseshoes in East Hartford today while I stayed home and luxuriated in the peace and quiet of a house all to myself! ( Wouldn't want that all the time but it is pleasant to be alone occasionally as I'm sure all can appreciate the calm and delight that reigns in solitude.) I did washes, walked to my audio book which I absolutely love, worked on my puzzle, read the horrid Bulletin in two minutes flat, completed the latest American Spectator and made out my shopping list. Therefore, 'twas a good day until I got the car back and went shopping. The check out girl was in never never land and over charged me for a twelve pack of Coke and the idiot at the package store never acknowledged my presence as I paid for the Cabernet Sauvignon. He continued to talk to someone, who was in front of me and then ceded her place to me, about his most stupid friend who insisted that he could order pizza by the piece not by the slice. As the young man at the checkout explained to the lady now behind me as he took my money and never even caught my eye, "John is so stupid. He won't admit that you order pizza by the slice not the piece. And I told him he was stupid . . ." I know. I should have told the clerk he was the ass and should pay attention to a good customer but I was so incensed I just fumed all the way home. Poor Grampa had to listen to my diatribe as I used the last of the roast beast to make soup for supper. I must be getting crotchety in my dotage. The neighbor kids asked me to borrow my sleds so they could slide on my hill! They can't find their sleds! Gee willikers, we let their two dogs run here and now we have to provide the sleds for their enjoyment. Oh well, and this too shall pass.
Just figured out a good puzzle for Springbok. I'll take a picture of my latest Lucky Roll, half completed, with a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon also on the table. Grampa says the glass of wine should be within the frame of the puzzle. Bonne idée! Tomorrow should be a great day. I'm picking up 6 year old great nephew from the old homestead and bringing him to Groton to spend the day with Kiddo. Should be a blast.
Quote: Who makes quick use of the moment, is a genius of prudence. ___Lavater
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