Monday, February 6, 2017

Already 6,867 steps . . .

Super Bowl Sunset

Trying to save my Winter Violas and Snapdragons.
I'm doing pretty well with the walking part of Fitbit but still having trouble controlling my appetite lately. I always seem to be starving! And it's always for something I shouldn't desire - popcorn with butter and salt, Abita Springs' Rootbeer floats, Reese's peanut butter cup Blizzard in chocolate with extra peanut butter cup, cereal with cream, rib eye steaks grilled to perfection, crispy fries, homemade bread slathered with room temperature butter, dark chocolate caramels. What amazes me is that I could go on with this outrageous list! Could this be Facebook withdrawal? I think that's rather funny.

P&D's Pop is in Slaughter getting the Hyundai inspected at Wyatt's. We've already been to the Park where he's had a chance to put some more laps on the newest plane which he built from scratch. It's very nice looking and is flying well. I walked and heard that damned Red-headed Woodpecker; came close to getting a decent close up photo when the stinker took off before I had the focus. He's there in the Park but it's a big place and I swear he goes where I ain't! Of course as I write there is a Blue Jay taking a drink out of the birdbath here in the back yard. All I have to do to get the birds to show up is leave the camera in the house. If I leave it on the table on the porch they stay away. Annoying!

Got such a kick out of the Super Bowl game last night. It's the first time I've watched the entire game, not the half-time activities bien sûr! Now that was a fun game. I kinda rooted for the Patriots because they're from New England and the Falcons had beaten Green Bay so I thought I'd like to see them get beat but as the game unfolded I was excited and happy for Atlanta. I was shocked that they allowed the Patriots to comeback and beat them. That was one good game. Still feel badly for the Falcons - shouldn't have happened but I think that all of their holding penalties did them in and somehow the Patriots made their own luck when that pass from Brady was caught so close to the ground, through what looked like at least six hands. That was neat and worthy of video footage. Well I doubt there will be another Super Bowl that gets my attention. I'm glad I decided I wanted to watch this one. Maybe I'm starting to like football because of LSU - it is a fever down here!

Quote:  Wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss, but cheerily seek how to redress their harms.   ___Shakespeare

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