Sunday, February 26, 2017

Religion . . . opiate of the masses . . .

It's a Bluebird kinda day
Perhaps - for me Sunday Mass is rich, musical théâtre; I believe there is much theater in all religions. As long as common sense prevails that is fine. When religion becomes heavy with righteousness and preaching "Do as I say but not as I do" then there are problems. If religion gives people a sense of peace and a devotion to loving man and nature with their imperfections then religion is on the right track.  Sunday Mass gives me time to unwind from petty cares; I feel the comfort of music that transcends the building, benches and worshipers and warms my soul. Perhaps I'm just fortunate  that our choir is good! May hap - I enjoy the calm and repetition of prayers I've known since childhood. Even though the church has tried to modernize the language of the prayers I still recite them as I learned them kneeling by my bed at night with Mama. Don't need no modernization of prayers! Hell's bells, I listened to the children at the Early Learning Center say the Hail Mary without the thou's and thy's. It's horrible and hurts my ears! Not sure basic truths whether religious or secular need to be modernized. Man is still man - as imperfect as ever and that's never going to change. Have not figured out what the Divine Higgs Boson had in mind when creation erupted in his almost perfect mind. The universe was set in motion, nature began its ascendancy and the human race has been trying to trump all creation - ain't going to happen - not with the seemingly built in perverseness of man's brilliant yet feeble intelligence. The Divine Higgs Boson has work to do.

Okay - that's enough merdeski for today - still feeling fine on this glorious, bright, cold February day as I keep puppy while P&D's Pop has gone off to buy her the proper treats - seems her folks don't spoil her enough so we have to!

Quote:  It is motive alone that gives character to the actions of men. ___La Bruyere

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