Friday, February 24, 2017

Impressive . . .

The Hawk and the Crow - sounds like a fable!
I mailed out my passport renewal February 7 and I received my new one today! Only took about 21/2 weeks; now that's how government should work. I have been trying to stay away from the news lately because it's so anti "Just the facts, ma'am." It's impossible to get a factual story on anything - the papers shouldn't be called newspapers; rather we should call them opinion sheets and crappy ones at that! At least I have a factual report of the government doing something right so I know it is possible for government to work properly. Not sure it is newsworthy but I don't imagine it could be reported in an article without some numb nut mentioning how the president has come down hard on the people who process passports and if they don't get them back to you faster than fast they will be fired and replaced by rich, white men! Geaux Mr. President! Good job! Yay! Okay, that's enough facetiousness for today.

I went to my first Mardi Gras parade today. It was by far the best little parade around. There were around 90 shoe box sized floats and they were outstanding. Each kiddo in the Early Learning Program brought in a float. I wish I had photos but I don't bring my camera to school and even if I had photos they can not be put in a public forum. I may have one I can share if Miss C sends me the photo of her two year old with her float as she has given me permission to put it on Facebook. But little Lucy is sick today and on the way to the doctor's office so I don't think her mom will be thinking about sharing photos. There have been a lot of sick kids and adults lately - strep and colds. Yuck. Yesterday as I was reading to the class I noticed one of the little boys looked so pale and he was shivering with his eyes so dull that I asked if he felt okay - he said yes but immediately changed it to no. I went and felt his forehead and when his teacher got back to the room I told her I was quite sure he was sick. Off to the office they went;  his fever was 102 and rising. Mom had to come pick him up. Feel so awful when the little ones get sick - they really do suffer in silence as I don't think they realize they're quite sick.

Did some weed wacking yesterday and moved some bricks to the front of the back porch to make room for pots and plants. Getting itchy for flowers and maybe cucumbers - no tomatoes this year because the mockingbirds beat me to them last year. Not sure how my plants will fare but I've got to try. I miss putting around in the garden so I'll try putting around some pots and putting pine straw near the house to keep the weeds down. (Putting around and putting are spelled the same but pronounced differently!)

Quote:  Let your views in life be directed to a solid, however moderate, independence; without it no man can be happy, nor even honest.  ___Junius

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