Sunday, February 5, 2017

At South Park and not walking . . . almost shocking . . .

American Goldfinch in the Live Oak
Lookin' funny
Unusual Sunday - after breakfast we left for Baton Rouge Airport to pick up biggest Kiddo and his wife who were returning from seeing their newest, tiny granddaughter in Florida. On the way home I cajoled P&D's Pop into stopping to get me some garden soil and pine straw so I could make a valiant attempt to save my violas and snapdragons. I've been reading up a little about how you have to plant in Louisiana, especially in our area; you have to use a lot of bought soil and mulch. The best mulch down here is pine needles! Who'd a thunk it? So we came home with one bale of pine straw and two monster bags of Miracle Gro garden soil. I took my time weeding my poor little plants before dropping a lot of soil and packing it around them. It's supposed to be worked in three inches deep as you plant but it was too late for that. Then I carefully pulled the pine needles out of the bale because I had way too much of it and didn't want it all over the yard. After all that I wet it down. Next I added soil and mulch to my gardenia that I had planted incorrectly last year. I also managed to repot my old plants from when we first bought the house. I'm hoping for a miracle!

It's really windy and I can't believe that P&D's Pop is flying his newest plane on  Super Bowl Sunday at a very busy Park. Everyone is out walking their dogs - everyone one is playing soccer- everyone is playing football - everyone is watching Grampa's plane not crashing in the wind as I sit here at a picnic table typing away!

 I think I've almost talked myself into buying a new iPad. This poor thing has seen better days and I'm using it more and more what with podcasts, Instagram, Blogger and reading. Well, looks like two flights is the limit today so we'll be on the way home shortly. I rarely bring drinks with me but Grampa kindly made me a root beer float after I cleaned up from all the hard work I did today. Tastes good. This park is a comfortable place to be hanging out, spectating and writing.

Quote:  The principal foundation of all states is in good laws and good arms.   ___Machiavelli

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