Monday, February 13, 2017

Think I'll be giving up my self-imposed exile from Facebook . . .

Purple Finch
I have tried to find an easy place to post bird photos that is not related to Facebook but haven't come up with a good substitute for Birds of the eastern United States and . . . I seem to miss some rather important announcements! Shucks . . . so I'll be back dragging my tail behind me! Well, not really, I must force myself not to read everything posted. P&D's Pop keeps after me because instead of skimming the Advocate I read it from cover to cover and he's right - there's not too much worthwhile news and it's as biased as the TV news. I've got to find a, "Just The Facts" somewhere but I don't know where to look. Everything I come across seems to be either right or left leaning. I don't want leaning! I want facts, that's it. If I want explanations I want them delivered in a concise, historical context. I don't know where to turn. Maybe my friend Matt can help me out. I'll have to bug him when I return to FB.

Lucky I have P&D's Pop to fix everything that breaks or goes wrong. I've had trouble wearing my Birkenstocks because I have one toe on the right foot that always rubs against the outer shoe no matter what kind I wear. I think I'm oddly made. The third toe is my longest toe! In any case P&D's Pop has carved out a place for it and also drilled another hole in the buckle belt so it fits better. He can always manage to save any situation I manage to get into. Gotta love this man who has kept me well and balanced when I try to go off the deep end either physically or emotionally. We met about 53 years ago his summer and he's been doing a great job ever since helping to keep me stable! Happy Valentine's Day to all and sundry.

Quote:  Sole partner, and sole part of all my joys, dearer thyself than all.   ___Milton

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