Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Well then . . .

Robin in Winter

Another Robin and it's not Springtime

Great Egret

Red-breasted Woodpecker - I was hoping I had caught a photo of a Red-headed Woodpecker!
I just grabbed the iPad to write and the lock screen had a tornado warning until 2pm. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because we did drive through some light rain and then some really heavy rain and then some sunshine on our way to breakfast and to the bank in Central before hitting the post office on Hooper Road and Greenwell Springs Road to mail out my passport renewal. I think Mark Twain was talking about Louisiana when he mentioned waiting a minute and the weather will change!

Not too sure what the weather has in store for us so I gave P&D's Pop a choice of me baking a chocolate cake, an apple pie or chocolate chip cookies and he chose cookies so I'll have to get to work after I finish reading the Advocate. I'm getting better at sliding over the news unworthy of being in print. As I write a hawk swept through the yard but didn't get a bird because I heard a Jay screeching a warning and the Cardinals were taking off like Smokey and the Bandit along with the Goldfinches. We have very smart birds down here.

I was out back enjoying my hot chocolate ( don't know why I love hot chocolate in this southern clime) when I noticed that the columns on the back porch were dirty looking. I got the hose out and tried to spray them clean to no avail. P&D's Pop said I needed to use a cleaning agent  but I demurred because my right arm will not allow me to brush anything at all! As fate would have it P&D's Pop went and got the spray and a brush and cleaned up the columns. Yay! I think it was actually moss that was starting to build up on the posts. Looks really nice even though you could hardly see the build up I wanted cleaned. That's what happens when you have your good glasses on and you're working out on the back porch!

Just found out that Betsy DeVos has been confirmed - yay for Education in the USA. I wish Democrats would realize that all Republicans aren't horrible and quite a few really do have the good of the country at heart. I am constantly amazed at the politics in Louisiana that refuses to let inner city kids get a good education in private and charter schools - it has been improving in the past few years but not enough. The best schools in the state are districts that incorporated and  left East Baton Rouge Parish Schools. Baton  Rouge should be able to get its act together and hire the best teachers for the inner city kids that may not live in the "right place." The kiddos need a solid foundation no matter what their family background and they won't get that as long as the left allows the teachers' unions to dictate educational propaganda rather than common sense. I guess that's my baby rant for today!

Quote:  To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.   ___Plutarch

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