Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tired . . .

Yesterday's Carolina Chickadee

Love is in the air

Time to set up housekeeping

We are so darned cute
Three years olds can do that to you! 'Twas a busy day and the birds were not very obliging when I got home from the Early Learning Center. Spent much of the afternoon catching up on my exercises, walking, talking with a good friend who was going to go out and shovel snow and finally reading a couple of days worth of newspapers. Not sure why I do that to myself - reading the Advocate.  It's a habit I've picked up since childhood when reading the Hartford Courant, The Saturday Evening Post and the Sunday New York Times were de rigueur for the entire family. Since we did not have a television in our home until I was 16 years old - Matante Marianne was breaking up housekeeping so she gave Pa the TV - I rarely think of watching anything on it except if P&D's Pop is home. I don't like watching by myself; no idea why that is so but that's the way it is.  I will watch my UCONN basketball though - even if it's on ESPN3 and the video feed is jumpy.

Quote:  There are two freedoms:  the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where a man is free to do what he ought.   ____Kingsley

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