Sunday, April 4, 2021

Joyeuses Paques . . . Beautiful Spring Day . . . I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love! ! !

Amethyst Kiss

 Easter Sunday always makes me happy. Not sure if it is the religious meaning or memories of the Ideal Magazine that my father used to get so many years ago. I think that the glossy magazine came out four time a year - one for each season but the Spring edition always made me believe I was in heaven. The beautiful photos, the poetry and sweet reminiscences made my soul glad to be alive and well with my parents, pepere, brothers and sisters. I don't think I could have been more than 7 years old when I started to look forward to the day Pa would bring home the magazine from box 195 in the Moosup post office. The magazines were never discarded but I imagine that over the years the collection must have disappeared as we kids outgrew the family home.  I wonder if I can find a copy on Ebay. 

Looking forward to a quiet dinner. Miss the Prime Rib Dinners we used to make at the old Caron Homestead when our Big Kids and their Little Kids, Ma, Pa, MaTante and Gram came for Easter Dinner. Time has a way of ticking our lives away. Ma always said, 'Every age has its compensations.' I guess that is true - I now have the time to relish the old days in the comfort of our Louisiana home and my neighborhood walks.

Quote:  Life is before you; not an earthly life alone, but an endless life; a thread running interminable through the work of eternity.   ___J. G. Holland

Quote: Our grand business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.   ___Carlyle

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