Thursday, May 20, 2021

And the rain is still coming down . . .

Female Wood Duck

Male Wood Duck

Blue Heron (I think it is a Little not a Great Blue Heron)


                                                      Snapping Turtle on the move at South Park.

 Quite a few calls coming in from Connecticut making sure that we have not sailed out of Denham Springs with the rains that have been falling on and off for four days. Hoping it will finally end tomorrow as they say it will.  It was supposed to end today! I dressed up in P&D's Pop's military rain gear  to take  pictures in our neighbors' side yards this morning. There is an amazing amount of water but it does  go away fairly quickly when the rain lets up. I took the video of the turtle yesterday at South Park. I was able to walk for quite a while and it was dry! That felt very good. I walked in the house today and that just doesn't work out very well.

Not sure why I'm tired but I don't feel like thinking now so I'll drop these photos here and call it a day. What the heck; we never got to St. Francisville for breakfast this week. 

Quote: How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, in the broad and fiery street, and in the narrow lane; how beautiful is the rain! ___Longfellow (What was Henry Wadsworth thinking? Certainly not of a deluge.)

Quote: Rainbow - The arc of light, born of the shower and colored by the sun, which spans the heavens!  _____J. C. Prince

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